Envi-Green Pacific Consultancy Limited is rated 3 out of 5 in the category environmental services. Read and write reviews about Envi-Green Pacific Consultancy Limited. Envi-Green Pacific Consultancy Limited is Fiji registered Environmental company (GREENPAC). It was established in 2007 and registered as a company liability company with registration number CO.NO. 20048. GREENPAC prior to registration has carried out environmental consultancy related for many projects in Fiji and the Pacific Region. The objective of the company is to comply with the Fiji Law under the Environmental Management Act, (EMA 2005) in the following areas: • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) • Environmental Management Plan (EMP) • Environmental Auditing (EA) • Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (EME) As part of the company's diversification plans, GREENPAC has also engaged in the area of Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) to facilitate the increasing demand for road and traffic consultancy associated with the increase in development, road infrastructure and the need for traffic safety and well planned developments.
Lot 3 Uci Road, Waqadra Estate, Namaka, Nadi, Fiji.
Company size
11-50 employees